4 Ways to Work with Diana
& Get Your Book into the World
Diana has contributed to the writing of a dozen New York Times bestselling books. Not only that, her interviewing has led to dozens more becoming New York Times bestselling authors.
It’s her gifted interviewing process that works for you in these four stages of bringing your book into the world.
As a career Multi-Media Journalist, whose side-hustle was interviewing more than a thousand authors about their books, Diana knows all these worlds.

From Blogs to eBooks to Books

Book Coaching
Transformative Works of Non-Fiction

Media Coaching
Because You have an Interview Coming Up

Voice Talent
Audiobooks, Spots, Voiceovers, Even Emceeing
Notable Media
You. Have a Book in You...
A story born of your unique being. The tough times. The joyous times. The inspired times.
When it comes down to it, yours is a story of transformation. Of healing. Of making the world a better place because of the gifts born inside you, and the experiences that catalyzed your use of your unique talents.
And, now, you want your story, your inspired action, your glory to gently and beautifully transform your readers, your clients, your colleagues into whomever they truly want to be.
You want to cull the value of what you’ve learned from your experiences, and grace others with what you know, and to benefit them. You’re ready for the right communicator who can put your words in your voice, and create a book. Or e-books. Or blogs.
As a visibility expert and marketing strategist, whose career has evolved from Broadcast Journalism, Diana Page Jordan has interviewed thousands of authors, thought leaders, professional powerhouses, and business owners to become known for their incredible work. She is a Ghostwriter, a Book Coach, and a Media Coach, and she can even literally Voice your work.
And, she’s got a secret. An exclusive interview system that she created, designed to literally birth your book. While interviewing authors for her national book shows, TV, and magazines, she often heard “No one ever asked me that before!” Others say, “You pulled my story right out of me.”
Today she uses this strategy to coach and guide transformational leaders, writers and entrepreneurs into getting their best work into the world.
Learn more. Have a conversation with Diana. There's no obligation at all. Schedule a complimentary creative consultation below.
Meet Diana
Diana Page Jordan has a passion for stories – written stories, spoken stories, stories that move us and inspire us to be greater than we know ourselves to be. She has dedicated her career to uplifting the work of authors, thought leaders and speakers, whose stories have shaped our culture and touched our hearts.
As an award-winning news anchor and reporter, Diana has covered stories ranging from the eruption of Mount Saint Helens to Northern New York whiteouts; from the miraculous survival of a preemie to the funeral of a detective who perished in the downing of TWA Flight 800; from riots to presidential elections.
With her career dedicated to shining the light on the truth, and to inspiring transformation, it’s only natural that Diana is now also committed to authors, speakers, and business powerhouses – to craft your story that wants to be in the world.
Diana is an author herself, and her stories have been published in anthologies like A Cup of Comfort for Writers, and in numerous national magazines, such as The Costco Connection and Writers Digest. She ghostwrites books and blogs, and has contributed to the books of New York Times Best-Selling Authors Cheryl Strayed, Chuck Palahniuk, Chelsea Cain, and others during the eight years she was in – what one newspaper called – The Hottest Writing Group in Portland. While in the group, she penned her memoir, BookMark: From Mitch Albom to Moon Unit Zappa, How I Saved My Life by Interviewing Authors I’ve Known (And Sometimes Loved), scheduled to be published in 2020.