5 Steps to Getting What You Really Want: Monte Farber’s Quantum Affirmations

Let’s dip into an old BookBlog – from seven years ago. Opening up this blog was like pulling out one of my old journals – at random – from the bin of five-dozen hand-written legal pads, all in Uni-Ball Vision Elite pens. Vulnerability, here we come:

Quantum Affirmations: The New Energy Science of Conscious Manifestation
By: Monte Farber
April 1, 2012 (Paperback) Weiser Books

What do you really want? I mean really. Then, why don’t you have it yet? Hey, why don’t I have it yet?

Confession: I’ve been writing this BookBlog for a month.

Another confession: I can splash words down on any blank screen or page – it’s my training.  You have a newscast in fifteen minutes, you write!

Confession:  So what’s going on?

Fear.  As Monte Farber would prompt, in his book, Quantum Affirmations: The New Energy Science of Conscious Manifestation, What is blocking your amazing dreams from coming true? Monte says that hope is sometimes twinned with fear, that is, “if you were not afraid, you’d have it already!”

We are all blessed.  My blessing is – when I’m deeply curious –  that I can do an interview about a book with an author and share that information with you.

So, I’m looking at my life, curious as to why things don’t seem to be working.  My love life, career and finances are stalled – even my search for a new roommate.  Looking for a female professional over age thirty, and I get emails like “Hi, me and my girlfriend are nineteen, and got kicked out of our last place, but we’ll pay you on time.” Uh.  No.

So, I call on Monte Farber.  I’ve interviewed Monte and his wife Amy Zerner probably a half-dozen times for the Associated Press Radio Network over the years, and feel wonderfully comfortable with their buoyant take on life.

Monte Farber delivers five steps in his book Quantum Affirmations.

“There’s fate and there’s destiny,” Monte says.  “Destiny, you can’t change. Your fate, you can.”  Ah, so this is promising.

Then, Monte says, “Life is like peeling an onion, but everyone forgets that when you peel an onion, you cry.”

He means that in a good way

The first step of getting what you want is to identify your goal. Monte quotes the ancients, “If you know your question, you know the answer.”

The second step – you examine why you haven’t gotten it yet.  What bothers you about getting what you really want?

Monte says, “The realer you can be, the realer it can be.”  I ask him about the memoir I’ve written. I can see myself dancing on Ellen, promoting my book.  I’ve got a New York City agent, but I don’t have a book deal yet.  Then, Monte asks how I feel about talking about the trauma on national television, and I see inside me a five-year old girl huddled in a corner, hands over her head to shield herself.  Oh, yeah, that could be something.

Identify your gift, Monte says.  That’s step three.  That part is easy. “The more powerful something is (your wish, your desire, what you want to happen),” he says, “the easier it is to get, because it makes a big footprint in the future.”

Four, entangle your gift with your goal.  Your gift is easy, right, and there’s no fight, flight or freezing about it.  So, as Monte puts it, “you Quantum-entangle your gift with your goal. This future you want – warts and all.”

“Separate your attention from your intention,” he adds.  “You can’t push the river.” The Brooklyn guy tells the lady from Manhattan.

And, fifth is create what Monte calls Quantumplaytion.  He made up the word, of course.  Play is like his middle name. We all have this possibility – to imagine, and live in this temple in our minds, where we inhabit a new probability.  This is how, he says, you can increase the odds of getting to the probable future you want.

Don’t freak out now.  Could happen. Dreams come true.  Know you’re worthy of it. Yes you deserve it.

Just play, entangle what you want with your natural gifts.  I already feel a shift.

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